Largest Coral Gables residents group backs Melissa Castro for commissionPolitical Cortadito

Gables Neighbors United, the political arm of the largest group of active and engaged Coral Gables residents, has endorsed political newcomer Melissa Castro for the commission seat in Group 4.

Gables United already endorsed activist Ariel Fernandez, publisher of Gables Insider, in the Group 5 race against attorney Alex Bucelo, who has the backing of the mayor at least two commissioners and lots of real estate development interests to fund his misinformation and attack campaign.

On Wednesday, after interviewing Castro, the board of directors quickly announced their endorsement of her over Ivette Arango O’Doski, Sean Patrick McGrover and Jackson “Rip” Holmes.

“I am humbled to have their support and endorsement because of the day, its the residents who really make my community,” Castro told Ladra. “Their endorsement is not only a vote of confidence in me, but also a reflection of the shared values we hold dear.

“It means a great deal to me and it inspires me to continue working hard.”

Castro told board members that she wanted to fix what she called “our broken City Hall.” She cited examples — from dirty politics to “the absurd rush to develop projects without addressing our infrastructure to our dysfunctional permitting process” to a lack of transparency.

Read related: Active Coral Gables resident group backs Ariel Fernandez — and hard

“Her awareness, directness, and pledge to stand up for residents and against the special interests is what convinced the board that Melissa Castro is the right person for the job,” reads a statement from Gables Neighbors United, which is the political action committee for the Coral Gables Neighbors Association, the largest resident group with more than 20,000 members.

But the truth is, she won’t be the mayor’s lackey.

Ladra already endorsed both Castro and Fernandez because, well, because Mayor Vince Lago is working hard to get their opponents elected so he can stack the commission and do anything he wants in his last term.

Gables voters who want to vote by mail can still do that if they request an absentee ballot by Saturday, April 1. Early voting begins this Saturday. The election ends on April 11.

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