Poll poses potential races and seems to gauge La Alcaldesa’s performancePolitical Cortadito

And floats $1 billion bond referendum for housing projects

Jeanette Nuñez for Miami-Dade Mayor? Rebeca Sosa for Elections Supervisor? David Richardson or Carlos Lopez Cantera for tax collector?

Frank Artiles for county sheriff? Frank Artiles?!?

These are actual scenarios put forth by a digital text poll that went out to some county voters this week. It was a long survey, with questions that ran the gamut — from favorability to policy positions to grading many of the current mayor’s initiatives to 2024 ballot decisions, which will include three new offices: Election supervisor, tax collector and sheriff.

But the stars were the interesting contests.

Everyone knows that Commissioner Raquel Regalado wants to be county mayor and may run against La Alcaldesa Daniella Levine-Cava in 2024. But this poll also threw in Nuñez — who really has no place to land — and, believe it or not, Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago. As if.

That was already interesting but later on, the poll pit Sosa, a veteran county commissioner termed out last year, against Miami-Dade Elections Supervisor Christina White, Miami Beach Commissioner Richardson against the former LG, CLC, for tax collector and Artiles against Freddy Ramirez for sheriff.

Read related: First candidate for 2024 Miami-Dade sheriff’s race is Miami police office

Ladra thinks that last one was for comic relief. Because, really, who would think that “Thanks Frank” — who hired models and Hooters girls as interns and ran a sham candidate for Senate after he was forced to resign for some public racist rant– would make a good chief of law enforcement? Only in Dade.

“In 2024, Miami-Dade residents will elect a new sheriff,” one question starts. “In thinking about potential candidates, which most closely aligns with your views?” The choices are (A), a Democrat “who commits to support law enforcement while also deploying reforms that continue to build trust between residents and the police department.” Or (B), a Republican candidate “who commits to fully fund, and increase funding for, the police department while also taking on WOKE agenda policies.”

Their caps, not mine.

Other questions gauge the voters’ opinion on transgender issues and sexual identity being taught in schools and “socialistic policies imposed by local governments.”

Read related: LG Jeanette Nuñez flexes, intimidates in Miami-Dade School Board race

It also gauges the voters’ opinion on many of the initiatives La Alcaldesa Levine Cava has begun as well as her response to the Surfside building collapse. Are they very weak or very strong or somewhere in between.

It even has the audacity to ask if she is weak or strong on holding the Urban Development Boundary, to which the only answer is very weak.

Christian Ulvert, the mayor’s campaign consultant, had emergency surgery Thursday and could not be reached for comment. But it looks very much like it was hers because of the DLC slate: Richardson, White and Ramirez, who should get a fundraising boost from the people scared of Artiles.

It’s possible some labor groups have been polling and one of the questions ask the respondent’s opinion on labor organizations. So there’s that.

Others may think it was Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, who is asked about his favorability. But he’s aiming for the White House, no? His ego is too big to start swinging lower. But that’s the only way the Lago inclusion makes sense. His BFF Suarez threw Lago’s name in on purpose to elevate him to “once potential county mayoral candidate Vince Lago.”

But the $1 billion bond, County Hall sources say, is something the administration has been talking about. Why would Baby X ask about that?

Read MorePolitical Cortadito

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