How Mayor Lago’s Endorsement Turned Voters Away

The recent city commission election in Coral Gables, has raised questions about the power and influence of endorsements, as well as the ethics of certain endorsements. With Ariel Fernandez’s win over Alex Bucelo and Melissa Castro’s victory over Ivette Arango O’Doski, both who were endorsed by Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago and the two sitting commissioners, Rhonda Anderson and Kirk Menendez, has shown that these endorsements were virtually worthless and may have negatively impacted Bucelo and O’Doski.

Ariel Fernandez Overcomes Lago & Hudak

Gables Insider editor Ariel Fernandez started the fracture of the facade of the current administration by handily beating Alex Bucelo, who was backed by all of the commissioners and the dynamic duo of Mayor Vince Lago and Coral Gables Chief Ed Hudak. The question still remains, why would the chief of police participate in the campaigning for candidates? On April 12th, the Gables Beacon emailed City Attorney Cristina Suarez and asked if the city was investigating Chief Hudak regarding the pressuring of residents to vote for Bucelo. 

City Attorney Suarez responded to the email by stating that there are no pending investigations by the “city.”  Which could mean that the Miami-Dade Ethics commission is looking into it, although it would probably take a back seat to Mayor Lago’s alleged perjury complaint that has been reported.

Mayor Lago’s Endorsement Has Opposite Effect

Fernandez’s and Castro’s win has shown that endorsements from powerful figures in local politics and law enforcement are not enough to guarantee electoral success. When coupled with contributions from dark money donors and the use of smear campaigns, it can result in achieving the opposite outcome. It also raises questions about the motives and agendas of those who make endorsements and whether they truly have the best interests of the community in mind.  When you consider that the mayor is a construction executive, his brother is a real estate lobbyist, and the donors are large commercial developers, it’s not a far stretch to assume what their best interests are.

Mayor Butts Heads With Police & Fire

It is possible that the elected officials failed to comprehend the residents’ position due to their own self-importance, as evidenced by their belief in their positive media coverage. Mayor Lago needs to put aside his ego and arrogance and reflect on whether he is truly serving his constituents’ and community’s best interests, or if he is solely motivated by personal gain and ambition. Despite being a once-prominent political figure in South Florida, Mayor Lago has become embroiled in conflicts with the two most beloved areas of the city: the police and fire departments. Mayor Lago has accused the fire department of being responsible for the impasse in contract negotiations, and at a recent commission meeting, he dismissed the police union president’s concerns about low morale and held an ad hoc vote of confidence for the police chief.

Anderson and Menendez Must Not Fall In Line

This also means that Commissioners Anderson and Menendez may want to toss out their rubber stamp and start listening to residents, business owners, and city employees if they would like to get reelected. Of course, simply listening to constituents is not enough on its own. Anderson and Menendez must also be willing to take action based on what they see and hear. This may involve making difficult decisions or taking positions that are not popular with Mayor Lago, but ultimately it is their job to do what they believe is best for their community as a whole.

Fernandez and Castro Must Follow Through

This recent election in Coral Gables has highlighted the need for transparency and accountability in the City Beautiful, and the importance of voters making informed decisions based on a candidate’s platform and values rather than just their endorsements.  Hopefully, Fernandez and Castro will follow through with the ideas, vision, and promises that got them elected. If not, the residents will have the final say.

4 thoughts on “How Mayor Lago’s Endorsement Turned Voters Away

    • Author gravatar

      As a resident of Coral Gables since 1997 and also as a business owner here since 1999, I have been appalled by the arrogance of Mayor Lago, both on the dais as well as out in the community. If you’re going to be arrogant, at least be charismatic, which is not the case with this young man. I see and hear about all the City employees leaving, yet he chooses to divert attention and ignore the issues. Police, Fire and public services are what we, THE RESIDENTS, care most about. Allocate OUR monies properly and don’t bankrupt OUR City of it’s heart, the services provided to all who live and work here. We have been silent for far too long and have let the Commission operate as they wished, mostly guided by this corrupt Mayor. We have spoken loudly in this election and we will continue to do so. If it is true that we are losing our employees to other municipalities, essentially competitors, we need to fix that. Both Ariel Fernandez and Melissa Castro mentioned this during their individual campaigns so now it is time for them to stand up for what is right and do what your constituents demand of you. You each had my vote, and I’m confident you will each do your best and what’s right to expose those that are abusing their power. Restore Coral Gables to the oasis it once was.

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        I will admit that I voted for Mayor Lago two years ago. I was wrong. Go back and watch old commission meetings and compare them to recent meetings. He’s changed, but not for the better. Power corrupts.

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      Nothing new here. Politicians will be politicians and are only in it for themselves.

    • Author gravatar

      What does it say about your endorsement when the mayor, all sitting commissioners, former mayors and former commissioners endorse the 2 losing candidates?

      Better change your ways…

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